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Action Item FAQ's

Answers to common questions about Action Items in BoardPro

Kim Thibault avatar
Written by Kim Thibault
Updated over a month ago

Can you have more than one person own an action?
You can select multiple owners for an Action.

Are Board members able to edit their action items?
In short - No. They can update the action's status and add comments to their actions but not (for example) update the owner or end date. That can only be done by someone with the correct level of access (Administrator, Board Secretary or Chair).

I received an Action Item email notice. What should I do with it?
The Action Item email notices are sent to the owners of Action Items.  They remind you of what is to be done and when and in which meeting this was agreed upon. 

I'm the CEO, and I get all the actions. How can I delegate them to my team?
You can forward the task in an email if you like. If the Action is well written, it will include the name(s) of the person to whom it will be delegated.  

  • The person present in the board meeting who accepted the task and its due date is responsible for reporting back to the board on the status and progress of the action.

Why did I get four emails for four actions instead of one?  
BoardPro sends an email for each action so that each Action can be managed independently:   

  • Each email can be flagged on to your task list

  • The action can be delegated by forwarding without the whole list being sent

What is the difference between an Action Item Notice and an Action Item Reminder?

  • A notice is a notification manually sent when the Minutes have been published. 

  • Reminders are automatically sent if the action's status is not done or cancelled, one week before the due date and on the actual due date.

  • Admins/Chairs and Board Secretaries can email an Action Reminder from the Action Item List page.

What is an Action Item?
In governance, an Action Item is a documented event, task, activity, or action that needs to take place. Action Items are discrete units that a single person can handle.  

Action Items typically arise during board meetings and are included in the Minutes. Action Items should always be clearly documented, describing what is to be done, by whom, and by when.

How do I write a good Action Item?
Most people overestimate how well they are likely to remember things. As a result, they may commit themselves to an action item, write a sketchy shorthand note about it and later wonder what it means. 

One way to prevent that scenario is to ensure that action items are expressed as complete sentences. For example, “Create a draft of the request for proposal (RFP) for XYZ Inc. by DD-MM-YYYY.” conveys a lot more information than simply “XYZ Inc.”

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