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Republishing an Agenda without changes

How to republish the agenda on demand which will also build a new board pack

Kim Thibault avatar
Written by Kim Thibault
Updated over 7 months ago

Once you have published an agenda, they may be some situations where you want to force a "republish" to update some elements not directly linked to the agenda. 

(Republishing the agenda is also used to build a new copy of the board pack).  

This could be used to incorporate the latest:

  1. Logo changes

  2. Organisation name changes

  3. Attendee name changes

  4. Copy of the Minutes included in the board pack

  5. Copy of the Action List included in the board pack

On the Meeting page, look for the Agenda sub-menu in the top right and then click on 'Republish'. 

Then click on 'Republish Agenda'

A confirmation message will let you know the new copy of the board pack is ready. 


  • As the publisher, you will be sent an email when the board pack is done. Only you receive that email.

  • Republishing can take from 30 seconds to a few minutes, depending on how many requests are in the queue, and how many documents are in the board pack.

  • Select "Email Board Pack" if you would like to notify your Board Members

On the Meeting page, the published timestamp is updated to show the new time that the agenda was published and by whom.

Note: Republishing is ONLY available in the Published Agenda stage and only to those with the correct level of access.

Please also see:
Editing a Published Agenda

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