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The new BoardPro Notes for iOS

Overview of the changes to the board pack for iOS app users

Kim Thibault avatar
Written by Kim Thibault
Updated over a week ago

We are really pleased to bring to you a number of great changes for BoardPro Notes for the iOS app. You can get a quick overview via the video, or scroll below for a list of the changes.

Integrated Board Pack

The documents of the board pack are now integrated with the following benefits:

  • Continuous Scroll: when you finish reading one document you can continue on the the next without needing to go back to the list to go to the next.

  • Improved Search: you can now easily search the whole board pack for a key word

  • Find your annotation fast: Can't remember where you left a specific annotation? Now you can easily find them all for the entire board pack.

  • Page Numbers: the page numbers of the board pack now match regardless of how you are accessing the board pack - whether it is on the web, the iOS app or printed.

Annotations copied to the latest version

If you have made any annotations, and there is an update to the board pack, BoardPro Notes now automatically copies your annotations to the latest version - so you don't have to go and look through the previous copies to find them!

Internal links between the Agenda and supporting documents

When reading the Agenda in the new board pack, you can go to that document simply by tapping on the title. If you want to go back to the Agenda, simply tap on the Agenda Item name and number found in the top right corner of each document.

Built in Index

The list of documents in the board pack is also easily available by tapping on the "book icon" found at the top. Select the Index option to see the document list, and tap on a document to go there.

FAQ's for the New Board Pack on iOS

Where did the document list page go?

The previous document list page, which showed all the documents and if they were New, Annotated, or Marked as Read is temporarily unavailable, but it will be returning early in the New Year.

Does BoardPro Notes on iOS work offline?

Currently the app is only available when connected to the Internet, but an offline mode is on our roadmap. If this would be useful for you please vote for it in the Ideas Portal.

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