Meeting Attendees
By default, BoardPro adds everyone from the People List from the time the meeting was created.
If someone is not appearing on the Attendees List, please see the subsection on Missing Attendees.
The Person who has Chair access will automatically be listed first regardless if they are a Board Member or not.
Set the order of the Meeting Attendees
To change the order click on the name and "drag them" into position.
Edit Meeting Attendees in the Minutes
Until a meeting has been confirmed, you will be able to edit the attendance in the minutes.
On the Meeting details page is the list of attendees and guests that are listed on the agenda. From this list, Attendees can be:
moved up or down in the list
sent to apologies
add more attendees
Add notes that are pertinent about the attendees or
If the meeting was created before someone has been added to BoardPro, they will not automatically appear in the meeting attendees list
Check that they have been added to BoardPro on the People List Page
If they are not on the list you can add them. See Adding People into BoardPro
Open the meeting and add them to the meeting using the Add from People List and select the name you need to add. Remember you will need to republish the agenda for them to appear on the list if the board pack has already been made.