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Adding People into BoardPro

How and when to add or invite people to your organisation in BoardPro

Kim Thibault avatar
Written by Kim Thibault
Updated over 2 years ago

In BoardPro, on the top navigation, click on People > People List 

Look for the green "+ Add Person" button on the top right.

You will need to provide their name and email address, the role they have in the company (affects their permission access level in BoardPro, so check out the article on Roles and Permissions). 

  1. Add in the Person's First and Last name -tick the box to add a Title or Suffix (Note: you can see how the name will be displayed in the Agenda and on any PDF's)

  2. You will need to enter the email -this is the email that they will use to login to BoardPro. Note: An Email Validation API will help detect typos in domains when adding people

  3. Add their Position Title within your organisation

  4. Tick the "Board Member" box. If they are a Board Member (regardless of Access level -except for Executive/Guest) make sure this box is ticked. This will ensure they are listed as a Board Member on the Agenda/Minutes, allow them to vote, and also allow them to view any confidential folders in Governance Documents. (If this box is unticked they will not be listed under Board Member, be able to vote or view confidential folders/documents regardless of access level)

  5. Select their level of Access. The role they have in the company (affects their permission access level in BoardPro, so please check out the article on Roles and Permissions).

  6. Select when you will be inviting this person to your organisation  

  7. Add Person

Send an Invitation Now

If you select to "Send an invitation now" the person will be added to your organisation and they will be emailed an invitation.

This is how it looks like in the People list page.

They must accept the invitation and complete the registration process before they can log into BoardPro. 

  • Invitations are valid for 1 month.  If it expires, you can re-invite them by sending a new invite. 

  • If a person is previously registered in BoardPro (so long as it is the same email) they will be granted automatic access but will receive an email saying that have been added into the "new" organisation.

Don't Send an Invitation Now

Add without Inviting -sometimes you want to list someone in BoardPro because they regularly attend meetings, or get assigned Actions, but they don't otherwise need to access your governance portal.  

You can add them, but not allow them to access your organisation by choosing not to send an invite.

This is how it looks like in the People list page.

Those added (but not invited):

  1. Can be listed as attendees or apologies of a meeting

  2. Can be listed as presenters of an agenda item

  3. Can have Action items assigned to them

  4. Cannot update their own Action Items

  5. Cannot receive email notices or the board pack.

If you choose not to add someone now, you can always Invite People to BoardPro later by clicking on the menu icon on their row, and then click "Send Invitation".

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