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Invite people to BoardPro

How to grant access to join your board or committee

Kim Thibault avatar
Written by Kim Thibault
Updated over a week ago

From the People List page Administrators, Chairs, and Board Secretaries are able to Add, Edit, Revoke and Remove people associated with your BoardPro account.

To send (or resend) an invitation to Grant Access to BoardPro:

  1. Go to the People List page

  2. Click on the context menu (3 dots) at the end of the person you want to invite / re-invite to your board or committee

  3. Click on Grant Access

Invitations are valid for 30 days.  


  • This will work for lost or expired invitations as well. 

  • A blue box will appear that says "Invitation sent successfully".

  • Once an invitation has been sent, under the name it will say Invitation Pending until the person accepts the invite or the invitation has expired and will need to be resent.

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