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Between Meeting Reports FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions on Reports added in the Between Meeting Sections

Vicki van Eeghem avatar
Written by Vicki van Eeghem
Updated over 5 months ago

Who can write or submit a Between Meeting Report?

Anyone with the access level of Administrator, Board Secretary, Chair, or Senior Executive can write/submit a report for themselves or another person with one of those access levels.

How do I add a Between Meeting Report?

Under Meetings, go to Between Meeting Reports à Add à Report. See Between Meeting Reports for a short video on adding a report.

What does saving as a draft do?

When a report is in Draft, it is not viewable to the readers. The Report Owner can continue to work on the document without people being able to read or comment upon it.

Can I send a Between Meeting Report to everyone on my People List page, including Non-Board Members?

Yes, provided they can log in and have any Access level except Executive/Guest.

Can I share reports with people outside of BoardPro?

No. Only people on your People List page who can log in and have read access can view any Between Meeting Reports.

Can the Between Meeting Report be restricted to specific people?

Not at this time.

Can I see to whom the report has been sent?

Yes. When the report opens, click the three dots (context menu) and go to Email History.

My Board Member says they have yet to receive the notice. Can I resend it?

Yes, you can resend a notice. Click on Resend and select their name.

Can I add files to Between Meeting Reports?

You can attach external supporting documents or add them from the Governance Documents.

Can people in BoardPro edit the files attached to my Between Meeting report?

No. Documents must be edited at the source, and a new version can be added to the Report.

Can I add an external link? For example, an online webpage or a video


Is the owner notified when someone reads the document?

No. But they will be able to see who has read it.

Can I download the Between Meeting Report and all the conversations?

No, not at this time.

How do people leave comments?

Click on “Write a Comment” and then Post.

Will I be notified when someone leaves a comment?

Yes, you will receive an email when a comment is left. You can respond to the comment directly from the email or log in to BoardPro and leave a comment on the Between Meeting Report itself.

Can I turn off notification emails for posted comments?

Individual Users can turn on and off comments being sent to their email; however, the Report Owner cannot opt out of turning off comments.

Can I delete my comments?

Yes, you can. Next to your comment, click on the three dots and then Delete Comment. Please note that this cannot be undone.

What does locking a Between Meeting report do?

A “Lock” on a report means no further edits, updates or comments can be made.

How do I unlock a Report?

Next to the title are three dots (context menu). Click on that and select Unlock Report. Anyone with an Administrator, Board Secretary, Chair or Senior Executive Access level can do this.

Am I able to retrieve the report and comments if I accidentally delete it?

No, once a report or comment is deleted, it is permanently gone from your organisation.

How do I delete a report?

Next to the title, click on the three dots (context menu) and select Delete Report. You must type Delete into the field as a confirmation before clicking on the Delete button. Please Note: Once you delete a report, it is permanent and cannot be undone.

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