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Smart Agenda Item: Interests Register

Simplified best practice in managing the interests of board members and officers

Kim Thibault avatar
Written by Kim Thibault
Updated over 3 weeks ago

BoardPro has a Smart Agenda Item called Interests Register, which lists the interests of directors and officers, including actual, potential or perceived conflicts.  

BoardPro simplifies the best practice of reviewing interests by automatically including it in our best practice template and the Board Pack so that all members can review the declared interests of the other members and their own.

Interests Register (Smart Agenda Item)

If you cannot see it, you can add it by clicking on the + Agenda Item button found at the bottom of every section of the agenda: 

If your board prefers to call this agenda item by another name, you can rename it by clicking on the title in the detail panel. 

No matter what you call it, hovering on the Smart Agenda item symbol will tell you which one it is:

How to Add or Edit an Interest in the Agenda:

When the Meeting status is "Draft Agenda" or “Draft Minutes -click on the "Interest Registers" Agenda Item 

  1. From the previous Interest Registers list, you have the option to Edit and add an end notification date (if known) by clicking on the pencil at the end of the interest

  2. Add an Interest via the blue Add Interest button

What happens next? 

When the Board Pack for this meeting is built, these interests will automatically be included.

Any Interests edited on the agenda item (before, during or after the meeting) will be updated on the Interest Register page.

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