Subcommittee FAQ's

Common questions about committees in BoardPro

Matthew avatar
Written by Matthew
Updated over a week ago

What is a subcommittee?

A committee is a sub-set of the board, often a mix of board members and executives, with designated authority from the board to meet, discuss and recommend/ make decisions on behalf of the board.

How do I run subcommittee meetings in BoardPro?

BoardPro offers dedicated committee accounts which enable the committees to have their own workflow for the people, meetings, actions, and documents. People on that committee, who are not on the Board, can see only the committee information.

Does my subcommittee have the same features as the board?

Yes, your committee has all of the features that your board enjoys, so that you can manage the meetings and between-meeting activities of the committees just as easily!

You will notice a few label changes, such as 'Committee Members' and 'Meeting packs'.

Can someone on multiple subcommittees have a different access level for each?

Yes! You can have unique access levels allocated to each of your committees. For example, someone may be a Board Member on the board, but be the Chair of a committee.
BoardPro enables you to have the access level you need for every board or committee.

Can I access all of my boards and subcommittees with one login?

Yes, that's right. When you have been added with the same email address for each board and committee, you only need to log in once to access all of them.

Please contact your Account Owner or BoardPro Support for more information on committees.

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