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BoardPro and Governance Training

Complimentary resources to help you to get the most out of BoardPro and making governance easy

Rajit Theodore avatar
Written by Rajit Theodore
Updated over a week ago

Live Training
​Complimentary training webinars on how to use BoardPro. Register to join a topic-specific session. Bring questions and sign up many times as you need.

Live Chat

Around the clock support how to use BoardPro available when you login in and from our homepage.

Video overview

A short (9min) overview how to use BoardPro for Board Members :

New to Governance?

Keep up to speed with the world of governance. The Resource Centre contains free resources to make governance easy for all organisations including webinars, templates, and articles with tips, tools and inspiration on best practice.

Learn practical skills from governance experts from around the world designed for the next generation of business leaders, all with the purpose of making governance easy.

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