If you are having trouble logging into BoardPro, please follow these steps to eliminate possible causes (click the arrow to expand the section).
Check the URL of the login page: https://app.boardpro.io/
Check the URL of the login page: https://app.boardpro.io/
Use this link in your browser rather than clicking a link from an email notification or bookmark. The security on this page has been enhanced recently so please replace any saved shortcut or browser bookmark with this link.
Check the basics! Re-check your email address and password
Check the basics! Re-check your email address and password
Ensure you are using the email address that is registered to your organisation. Use the ‘eye’ icon in the password field to see the characters clearly. Click here for instructions on how to reset a forgotten password.
Clear your cache
Clear your cache
Press ‘Ctrl +F5’ (Windows) or ‘Command + Option + E’ (Mac) to clear your browser cache.
Go incognito!
Go incognito!
Open an incognito tab in your browser. This will eliminate any browser extensions running in the background. Right-click on your browser icon and select ‘New Private Window’ (Edge/Safari) or ‘New Incognito Window’ (Chrome).
Try a different browser
Try a different browser
BoardPro works best on browsers that are up-to-date with the latest security and performance enhancements from their respective developers.
Try another network
Try another network
Use another device like your smartphone and 4G/5G network to login with this link app.boardpro.io.
Have you accepted an invitation?
Have you accepted an invitation?
If you are new to BoardPro you must first accept an invitation from your Account Owner or any administrator within your board/committee. Learn more about accepting an invitation from BoardPro.
Please contact BoardPro Support or contact us on live chat (blue bubble) anytime if you still need help. We are available around the clock.