Edit Flying Minute Settings

How to change Flying Minute settings from automatic to manually determine an outcome and apply this to a closed Flying Minute

Khalid Ali avatar
Written by Khalid Ali
Updated over a week ago

Flying Minutes is a feature with the Premium and Ultimate Plans. If your board subscribes to the Essentials Plan then you will not be able to see Flying Minutes

The default setting for Flying Minutes is to automatically calculate an outcome based on 100% participation of members on the People List of your board or committee.

Sometimes the outcome of a Flying Minute may need to be changed to accommodate something unexpected such as adding more time to the vote or someone is unable to vote.

You can change the settings that determine how the outcome is calculated then 're-open' the Flying Minute to apply the new settings and recalculate the outcome.

First, change the main Flying Minute settings under the Organisation Settings tab > Quorum & Participation > Flying Minute area. Change the Flying Minutes Outcome to 'we will manually set the outcome'.

Next, go directly to your Flying Minute to 're-open' the vote. Click the three dots on the right and select 'Re-open Voting' (don't worry no one will be notified the vote has been reopened).

Lastly, click the 'pencil' icon that appears on the countdown and select 'Close Now' and click 'Update' to close the vote immediately.

This will close the vote and 're-trigger' the outcome based on the new 'manual' settings. You can now manually 'set the outcome' of your Flying Minute.

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